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A snowstorm hath no fury like a spinster scorned Miss Elinora Browning grew up yearning for the handsome, intelligent lord-next-door...but he left England without a word of farewell. One night, inspired by a bit too much sherry, Nora poured out her heartbreak on paper. Lord Dashwood Missed Out was a love letter to every young lady who'd been overlooked by gentlemenand an instant bestseller. Now she's on her way to speak in Spindle Cove when snowy weather delays her coach. She's forced to wait out the storm with the worst possible companion: Lord Dashwood himself. And he finally seems to have noticed her. George Travers, Lord Dashwood, has traveled the globe as a cartographer. He returned to England with the goal of marrying and creating an heironly to find his reputation shredded by an audacious, vexingly attractive bluestocking and her poison pen. Lord Dashwood Missed Out, his arse. Since Nora Browning seems to believe he overlooked the passion of a lifetime, Dash challenges her to prove it. She has one night.

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A page-turner."-- BookMooch "A true dark classic of Australian literature."--J.El personaje de Félix de Montemar, de personalidad fáustica, se inspira en la leyenda de don Juan Tenorio.Not man, not animal, something like carrion, but alive.E can be cured of fogsickness.Since Moore's death, of bowel cancer at just 51, these accolades represent the accepted view of this national treasure.A "haunting story" [Rick Kogan, Chicago Tribune] evoking the terrible toll exacted on an ordinary woman and her young son, "caught in the web of Chicago's crime-ridden sin streets and the no-so-pastoral North Woods of Wisconsin." [Richard Lindberg]When Genevieve Davis's father was 5 years old, his mother took him to the funeral of vice lord Big Jim Colosimo.In these and other variations, the castaway becomes a cannibal, the castaway?s island is relocated to center of London, female castaways mock the traditional masculinity of the original Crusoe, or Friday ceases to be a biddable servant.In 1874 and 1878 the Brasseys sailed around the Mediterranean and as far as Constantinople in the Sunbeam.The tragedy of his life was to be ignored by soccer in his latter years and to drift into obscurity.Lee Bailey, and Constance Baker Motley, the first African American woman to argue a case before the U.S.